Janet S 30th January 2008

I am learning in layers what it means to be without my friend Afiya. I miss her great presence, her keen insight, her laughter, zest and passion. I miss the friend I shared dreams, ideas and ideals with, the friend I confided in, commiserated with and celebrated with. Who loved a celebration more than Afiya? But when you needed someone in your corner, who better than she? There was nothing willy-nilly about Afiya. She let you know who she was and where she stood. How freeing is that? I miss that powerful, larger-than-life woman who demonstrated what it means to live in a grand, expanded, exuberant way. Sometimes in the midst of activity I find myself thinking--how can I do this in a way that's stepped up several notches, Afiya style? I find her often in my thoughts and very much in my heart. I've been blessed to call her my friend. Janet